Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week one done!

We did it!  We made it through week one!  Just finished Kenpo, tomorrow is a rest day or we can do the stretch.  I'll be doing the stretching for sure, my poor body is going to be SORE.  I will say, it has made a huge difference working out together.  Last time we were taking turns, one would do it and then the other, because Emberlyn wasn't sleeping so well.  We decided this time to workout together and what a world of difference it has made.  The hour goes by so quick, we get to joke around with each other and push each other to keep going.

I highly recommend a workout partner because of this.  I've always read that having a workout partner is a great way to stay motivated, but I didn't think much of it.  But I'm a believer now.  So do it, find a partner, make it a priority, and get moving!

Now to go enjoy a beautiful, sunny day.

Much Love!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bring It!

After a bit of a hiatus (three months is only a bit, right?), we have restarted our journey to physical wellness with P90X.  Steven and I have been busy.  I don't mean kinda busy, I mean birthdays, anniversary, family vacations, trips, reunions, starting my own business, major event at work busy. Which means we didn't make our health a priority.  We put it on the back burner.  We slacked.  Majorly.

Please understand, I'm not making excuses by saying we were so busy we couldn't find time to exercise.  Because that would be lying to you.  There is ALWAYS time to exercise, if you make it a priority.  But we didn't.  We made sitting on the couch at the end of the day a priority.  Video games and TV shows, Facebook, web surfing.  Those were our priorities at the end of our days for the past three months.

Yesterday we pushed play.  We did it.  We got off the couch and pushed play.  And it felt goooood.  Really good.  We didn't make it all the way through the first workout.  But we pushed play and we brought it as hard as we could.  We pushed play today too.  My legs are like jello and I'm tired, but we did it. 

Steven and I have decided to both do the classic P90X workout instead of me doing the lean version.  So the last two days we've been done our workouts together and I have to say, it's a lot more fun having a partner right there with you.  I think this will be an added bonus for us.  It gives us something to bond over, look forward to together, without the kids needing us or wanting to be a part of it.  I'm loving it.

So while we took a hiatus, we are back.  And we are going to push play, every day.  Even if it's 20 minutes a day, we will make this our priority.

You can do it to.  Make your health a priority.  Make your spirit a priority.  Just do it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh it's been a while...

EEK!  Hi there.  I'm feeling a little sheepish right now since my last post was on April 6th.  It's amazing how easy it is to fall off the wagon.  We took a bit of a hiatus on our work-out, but I'm proud to say we are back!  Life gets busy and some reason, working out took a back seat to everything else.  So we were off schedule for a week and a half, but started back again on Monday and have been bringing it ever since.

I will say though, that while we may not have been working on our physical wellness, our journey emotionally and spiritually was (and is) still going strong.  I went to a two-day leadership conference for nonprofit organizations which was AWESOME, my work (Volunteers In Medicine Clinic - check us out at held our annual auction event which had me running and raised over $250,000 AND Steven and I have been working together as partners really, really well.  So while p90x took a back seat to life, the rest of our journey moved forward.  And that is success in my book.

I don't have a lot else to report right now.  Work is super slammed right now, life is moving quickly with upcoming  birthday parties for both girls, our anniversary and of course Easter, Mother's Day and Father's Day, so my head is spinning. 

All I can say is... make time for yourself.  That is one thing I missed about working out.  It's an hour for myself.  Just for me.  Me and Tony Horton telling me what to do (that bastard!).  I love that hour and I'm glad I'm back into it.  And also... if you do fall off the horse, get back up.  You'll be proud that you did.

Much love!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chef's Night Out

What an awesome night we had last night!  I was given tickets to Chef's Night Out, which is an annual benefit for Food For Lane County (check it out here  It's an event where over 50 area restaurants, wineries and breweries come together and provide samples of their food.  All proceeds go to Food For Lane County and let me tell you... it was AMAZING.  Steven and I had an absolute blast!  You would think we ate a ton, but since all the servings are a single bite (or two maybe), and we made the concious decision to stay away from pasta, we actually didn't eat any more than we would have had at dinner.  But every bite was delicious (minus a weird smoked fish taco that tasted like tobacco... won't be going to that place anytime soon).  We even skipped majority of the desserts, and those that we did try, we only took a single bite instead of eating the whole thing.  Huge steps!

Here we are on our way out:

So after our rest night (and a fabulous, fun one at that!), tonight was the start of week four.  After three weeks of this journey, I'm really seeing a difference.  Not only in my physical appearance, but in my mental and emotional state as well.  I'm calmer, I'm more patient and I'm happier.  Not eating all the crap, taking care of myself, and working hard are really changing my life.  Steven feels the same way.  We've got a long way to go, but I'm pretty happy with the path we are on.

Oh... and getting up early in the morning?  Yeah... really not my style.  Did it twice, hasn't happened again.  A snuggly baby and a warm bed keep me firmly anchored until the final buzz of the alarm forces me out of bed.  But that's okay. 

Push forward, whatever goal you have.  You can reach it.  We are, a day at a time.

Much Love!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A beautiful day!

Nothing like the sunshine to bring out the smiles all across town!  After a month straight of rain (per the newspaper, we got at least a trace of rain every single day in March), I was so happy for such a gorgeous day.

The past two mornings I've been getting up early to work out and it's been fabulous!  But this morning I bailed on that idea because after a rough week of teething for Emberlyn, she finally had a good, solid night of sleep and I was enjoying it right along with her.  But around 7:00 tonight, the realization that I had a workout to do was starting to weigh on me.  You see, we took Emberlyn swimming today, then went to an amazing fundraiser Susannah and her 7th grade class put on to help Japan (Susannah even got up and spoke, I was so proud I cried!) and then after all the excitement we came home and Steven headed off to the batting cages.

All I wanted to do was relax.  Maybe space out on some TV.  Fall asleep early.  You know... be lazy.  I thought about skipping my workout.  I'll be honest, it didn't appeal to me in the least and I thought "what can it hurt, it's just one workout".  Steven got home from the batting cages and I told him I was tired and didn't think I was going to do my workout.  I kind of expected (hoped) he would say "that's okay, we did go swim for an hour, just skip it, relax".  But he didn't.  He instead pointed out how great I would feel when I was done (yeah... right) and how I should just get up and do it.  I hated him a little at that moment.  Then he said "and look at you, your belly is shrinking, you've already started to thin out and it has only been two weeks!"  And that my friends is what got my lazy, sit around and do nothing, fall asleep early butt off the couch.  He was right!  I have already lost inches.  My stomach is smaller.  My abs are getting back in shape.  My hips don't hurt anymore.  This is good stuff!

So here I am, at 11:00 on a Friday night, just having finished my workout.  Guess what?  I feel amazing.  Awesome.  Energized.  Accomplished.  It was totally worth it. 

Now, a quick note about the fundraiser tonight.  I'm a professional fundraiser.  It's what I do for a living.  I also give my time to charity.  Since Susannah was very little, I've shown her both by example and by having her help me, what it means to give back.  When her 7th grade class was asked by their teacher if they wanted to do something to help, Susannah jumped right in to take on not just a coin drive, or a bake sale, but a "Concert for Japan".  We are talking donated pizza, a bake sale, a coin drive, three bands and a dance crew.  Flyers, press releases, the works.  Susannah and I go through a lot.  She's a moody 12-year old girl.  We butt heads.  A lot.  To see her take the lead on something so big and important, to see it be successful and to know that she has learned that from me... well I can't even put into words how it makes me feel.  I am beaming with pride.  It's like she really does look up to me.  And that is one of the best things a mother could ask for.

It was a beautiful day today. 

Much love!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It happens sometimes...

Last night was our "rest day".  We could have caught up to what we had missed on Friday and not had a rest day until next Tuesday, but we took the easy way out.  We decided to truly rest.  I was in bed before 9:00.  But... our rest day also came with a horrible eating day for me.  Instead of making something delicious and nutritious, I made something delicious and filled with fat and carbs.  I shredded chicken, mixed it with jalapenos, cream cheese and cheddar cheese, baked until bubbly and then we used tortillas and chips as the serving mechanism.  It was amazing.  Delicious. Decadent.  And horrible for us.

I woke up this morning and boy did I feel it.  I was super bloated and felt like utter crapola.  I had heartburn (which I haven't had since before we started) and I looked like crap.  On top of it all, I was dehydrated.  It was awful.

But guess what I did?  I woke up at 5:30 this morning.  A full two hours before I usually wake up. And I worked out.  And I drank water... lots of it.  And it felt AWESOME. 

Yes, you read that right.  I woke up at 5:30 this morning and it felt AWESOME.  Not only did it feel great, but Emberlyn slept soundly curled up next to Steven while I worked out.  I didn't have to stop a single time in the full hour to nurse her back to sleep.  It felt so good, I'm going to do it again tomorrow!  The realization that: one - I can wake up early, two - it won't kill me and three - I have my whole evening free now is an awesome motivator to continue getting up.

That and I kind of wanted to prove myself wrong from my last blog post.  I am a morning person.  I wake up smiling every single day.  Why not just wake up two hours earlier?

So while I blew my day yesterday, I woke up bright and early this morning and made up for it.  I've already made healthier choices today (I was getting a bit lax about what I eat during the days) and I've already kicked butt on my workout. 

Never give up.  Never say to yourself that because you messed up one day, the rest of it is blown.  You'll feel better when you get right back to it.

Much Love!

Monday, March 28, 2011

You go first... no you go first... no, I insist...

Our biggest challenge right now is finding time to workout.  Steven and I do the same workouts but are unable to do them at the same time because of Emberlyn.  You see, we co-sleep.  Emberlyn likes to have one of us near her while she is sleeping.  When we first get her down at night, it takes a while for her to get into a deep sleep, so if we are both out working out, jumping around, making noise, she will wake up.  Which means we have to go through the bedtime routine again and again.  It's just easier for one of us to hang out in the bed while the other one works out.  Which is where I am right now as she falls deeper asleep.

The challenge is... who goes first? Because whoever goes second is going to be working out until 10:00 or later.  Now you might be saying to yourself "hey dummies, why not work out in the morning?  Just get up early!"  Umm yeah... we aren't morning people.  At all.  Now, we could be morning people.  That is just another challenge we would have to get past. One that neither of us find particularly appealing.  So we find ourselves each night saying "go ahead, I'll hang out with the baby while you work out" and the other one insists the opposite.  You see, we both love our workouts, but we love each other more.  We don't want the other one to stay up super late working out while we are unwinding from our workout.  It makes us feel guilty.

We don't really have a set in stone solution.  Tonight we are trying Steven first.  He's been unselfish enough to let me go first lately, but Emberlyn tends to want me in bed with her when she wakes up.  So far, so good.  She's falling deeper asleep while he works out.  Let's hope she stays that way so I can make it through my workout with having to stop to nurse her back to sleep.

It's a challenge, this working out stuff.  Especially as a co-sleeping, nursing mama.  But it's a challenge I am willing to face every day, because I feel better and better with each workout.

What challenges do you need to overcome?  What solutions work for you?  Give it some thought.  If it is important enough, you will find a way.

Much Love.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bleeping Rockstars!

Steven and I took yesterday off from p90x.  We ate like utter crap, we were lazy and we didn't work out.  We had a somewhat good reason (although really, there is no good reason for eating like crap) because his parents and niece were in town visiting.  I had to make a birthday cake for his mom and of course pizza was ordered.  It was wonderful to see them and for them to see Emberlyn.

So what rockstars?  I mean... didn't we fail?  NO WAY!  We took a day off.  Guess what?  It happens.  We aren't dieting.  We aren't doing a fly by night program that we take lightly.  We are CHANGING OUR LIVES.  You know what we did?  We slept a little today, we relaxed and then we got right back up and busted our butts on the workout of the day.  That is why we are rockstars!  Because we didn't say "f*ck it", we said "wow, I miss the high of p90x". 

I just got done with Ab Ripper X.  Otherwise known in my mind as ab hell.  Let me tell you something.  On day one, I hated this workout.  I couldn't do it.  My abs are so weak from being pregnant and then not doing anything, I almost cried at how much I sucked at this one.  But I've kept with it.  Today I made it through every single move!  Did I complete each one with all 25 reps?  Nope, but I did at least 15, which is 15 more than I could do most of them 10 days ago.  Do you hear me????  It's WORKING!!!!  I am busting my butt every single freaking day and it's working!

I've seen the change in Steven.  His stomach is already decreasing.  His muscles are getting their awesome definition back.  He's sees it in me too.  My stomach has already decreased by an inch.  In 10 days.  AN INCH.  But it's really not just a physical change we are seeing.  Already we are laughing so much more.  We aren't fighting or picking at each other.  We are loving each other.  We are more peaceful.  Our minds are quieter.

My friends, this works.  I'm not saying "go right out and buy p90x".  But I am saying this - if you want a change in your life, do it.  You can achieve it.  Truly.  I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I have finally found what works for me.  You can find what works for you.  And remember, a day at a time.  Don't beat yourself up if you have an off day.  It happens.  Don't let it hold you back though or use it as an excuse either.  Get up the next day, shake it off, and keep moving forward.

If I can do this, make this huge of a change, anyone can.

Sorry for the rambling post, but I am truly high on the excitement of seeing positive changes and for making it through my most dreaded workout!

Much Love!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Girls aren't supposed to do push-ups... right?

At least that is my thinking right about now.  I mean, why else do they have "girl push-ups" if we are expected to do hard ones?  Me thinks Tony Horton didn't get this memo when developing p90x.  I hate him a little bit right now.  But I love him even more.  These workouts push me to my max and I keep on going!  My 12-year old daughter Susannah is here tonight and was watching me as I did "Core Synergistics".  She kept saying how she wants to do the videos too.  How they will make her stronger for volleyball.  Crazy child!  I mean... she's right.  It would.  But she's 12.  So I'll let her try it with me next week and see how she likes it.  This should be interesting...

On a different note, I made spaghetti for dinner with salad and french bread.  After all, Susannah is here and she loves spaghetti.  I balanced out the rest of my day to make up for the calorie intake I knew was coming this evening.  However, I wasn't planning on the weight of the carbs once they hit my stomach.  YUCK.  It made me feel sluggish during my workout and my stomach still feels full from it.  I didn't even eat half of what I would have in the past either!  Steven is in the same boat.  Guess I won't be making pasta for dinner anytime soon.  Now excuse me while I go puke up some noodles (kidding!)

One other thing I learned today... I suck at math.  When I left high school I had taken pre-calc and somehow managed to pass with a B.  Today I took a placement test for college.  I guess 18 years of not using advanced math has taken it's toll on my skills.  I placed in Math 60.  MATH 60!!!  Did you hear that?  How sad am I?  Oh well, I need the refresher (obviously).  The positive thing is that I aced one part of the writing/reading comprehension test and nearly aced the other part.  When the counselor gave me my scores I explained I did fundraising.  She said "well it shows with your scores".  Yeah... no kidding.

Well, that's about all the ramblings I have tonight.  I'm whipped and it's time for me to turn in.

Remember, every day is about choices.  We can all achieve our dreams.  We just have to work hard to get there.

Much love!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Even the best fall down sometimes"

Well today is our official "rest" day of p90x.  We have the option of doing the stretch workout and I will choose to do that because I need to stretch these poor, overworked muscles of mine.

Reflecting back over the course of the last week, these are a few things I've learned:

I enjoy working out.  I don't know why I fight against it so much.  I truly love it and I'm glad I'm back to it.  I especially enjoy the variety that p90x offers.  Not to say that is the only way to get fit, because there are hundreds of ways to exercise.  Usually I'll check the TV schedule before starting any kind of exercise.  I didn't do that this week at all.  I wanted to start my workout as soon as Emberlyn was asleep.  That's a huge change for me.

Cooking is fun!  I've been making fresh, delicious meals for Steven and I and it is a lot of fun.  I always thought it would be more time consuming because you have to chop up veggies and stuff.  But it's not.  And I usually dirty less pans!  Steven is loving eating my cooking too.  Last night he compared the burger I made to something you would buy in a really nice restaurant.  That is a huge compliment!

Spirtual and emotional wellness is a heck of a lot harder to achieve and is going to take longer.  Physical wellness is about input and output.  Sadly, it's not that simple with emotional wellness.  Allow me to elaborate on this subject a bit.  I have been having a marvelous day today.  I got through a huge stack of entry I needed to do, got to have lunch with my Susannah (my oldest daughter) and got a bonus of seeing my dad as he breezed through town.  The sun is out and I was feeling great!  Uplifted!  Inspired!  Then a friend of mine emailed me, needing a shoulder to cry on and someone to vent to.  The topic of conversation was one that was familiar to me and one I could sympathize with, but nothing that effects my life now.  But as I delved further into her issues with her, I started freaking out.  Was this same thing happening in my life and I just didn't know it???  My mood started to darken, I no longer felt the joy I was feeling earlier and I lashed out at my husband, completely without cause or merit.  I took her problems and internalized them and spewed them out. 

Why did I do this?  Is it because I'm such a sensitive person?  Is it because I truly believed the situation could be happening to me?  No.  I did it because I have a long journey to find emotional wellness.  I did it based on the past, not the present.  It was a knee jerk reaction not based in my reality.  I caught myself quickly, which is a step forward for me, but before I caught myself I had already lashed out.  It's a lot of work, this emotional and spiritual wellness.  I know I'm going in the right direction and I realize it can't all come at once.  So I realize one big step I need to take is to separate myself from the problems of my friends.  I just need to figure out how to do that.


I know I'll get there.  But there are always dips in the road. 

Much Love.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Steven loves baseball.  And not just watching baseball.  He loves playing it, studying it, reading about it, watching videos on techniques.  He follows players, teams and stats.  He will walk around the house with a ball and a mitt.  He was ecstatic when he found out our DirectTV package came with the MLB Network.  HE LOVES BASEBALL.  But playing it has been a challenge because unless you know people on a team, it's hard to get to play in a league. This has lead to some mild frustration around our house.  Nothing horrible mind you, but just those wistful "man I wish I could play on a team" moments.

He did play softball two summers ago.  He liked it.  It was okay.  He got to get out and enjoy the sun, but it wasn't as challenging and as exciting as he likes.  Last summer with the birth of Emberlyn, playing on a team (even if he could find one) was pretty much out.  He was working his butt off to make it so I could stay home on maternity leave for the full 12 weeks and even if he would have found a team, he was too exhausted to do anything at the end of the day (and I am forever grateful for those 12 precious weeks).

Yesterday, Creator intervened.  We decided we needed to get out of the house and he had a few tokens for the batting cages over at VRC.  We figured a little family outing to Toys R Us and the batting cages were in order, so off we went.  We decided to stop at Toys R Us first to check out ideas for Dibbles first birthday. (Side note - we ended up getting a killer deal on a little car for her that she loves!  Her first Power Wheels... picture at the end).  Then off to the batting cages.  He gets into the batting cage and starts hitting the fast ball pitches.  His form is good, he's having a good time and hits one ball so hard, it escapes out the back and put a hole in the back wall (they need to fix their back nets!).  He steps out of the cage for a break and is talking to Emberlyn and I when this guy, about our age, comes up to him.  Asks if he plays.  Nope, not right now.  Then he asks the golden question "would you be interested in playing on my team?  We've got a few open slots I need to fill".  DING DING DING, WE HAVE A WINNER!  Apparently this guy and his teammates have been practicing hitting and pitching when they see Steven hitting in the cage. They want him on their team!  HOORAY!  So we get all the details, introductions are made, and Steven goes and hits a few pitches they throw at him.  The guys all seem like nice guys and pretty laid-back.

I am so happy for him.  This is just what he needs.  And it also means that I get to hang out in the sun every Sunday this summer, watching my gorgeous husband play baseball while getting a tan and playing with my girls.  WOOT!

Creator sure does deliver when he knows our spirits are in need of lifting.  I am so thankful.

Oh, and here is a picture of our little Dibbles in her cool pink car.

Much Love!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Good Morning!  Last night was our first day of p90x Yoga X.  Yoga you say?  How hard could that be?  Oh my goodness... it was SO HARD!!!!  They did poses my body doesn't even know how to get into and it was ninety minutes long.  My goal by the end of this whole journey - to be into the pose where you bring your legs all the way over your head and your knees are by your ears.  That was just pure craziness!  (Steven says that's been his goal for me since he first met me... he's a funny one)

It was a good day for eating well.  I made us stuffed bell peppers for dinner which were quite good.  I need to add some more spices to them, but I'm learning.  Tonight it is honey chicken with roasted asparagus and stuffed anaheim peppers (I'll be eating the asparagus alone, Steven thinks it's the devil).

My favorite thing about yoga is the peace it brings at the end.  Most workouts you end sweating like a pig, mad that you had to put yourself through it, but proud for finishing it.  With yoga you end peaceful and calm, not just your body but your mind and spirit.  I know I will be looking forward to this workout every week. 

I've debated putting our starting measurements out, but figure what the heck, so here it goes:

Weight: 207
Chest:  43"
Waist: 38.5"
Hips: 45"
Right Thigh: 28"
Left Thigh: 28"
Right Arm: 13.5"
Left Arm: 13.25"

Weight:  188
Chest:  41.5"
Waist:  39"
Hips: 42"
Right Thigh:  23"
Left Thigh: 23"
Right Arm: 13"
Left Arm" 12.75"

I'll post our measurements again at 30, 60 and 90 days.

Here's to living well!

Much Love!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Starting Out

Welcome to our journey!  Steven and I have begun a path to wellness and we want to share our triumphs and trials as we go along, in the hopes to inspire others.

A little about us.  We met in the fall of 2008 and got married June 2009.  Yes, crazy fast, we know!  In May 2010 we welcomed our beautiful little baby girl into the world.  Between an infant and Jennifer's 12-year old, we are crazy busy! 

So why a blog?  Well, we wanted a way to share our journey with others.  I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I weigh 207 pounds.  Do you know how ridiculous that is???? IT IS RIDICULOUS.  I had bought p90x for Steven when I was pregnant and shortly after it arrived, work picked up for him and the baby arrived, so it sat on a shelf collecting dust.  Way to spend $120!  This last fall, our friends asked if they could borrow it.  We figured why not, it wasn't doing anything for us other than being another decoration of "get in shape" dreams tossed aside.  What we were not expecting was the results they got!  My friend Jennifer lost SEVEN INCHES off her hips.  HOLY COW!

This inspired both of us.  We decided... it's only 90 days.  We can do anything for 90 days.  So here we are, day four of p90x.  But we aren't just dedicating ourselves to working out.  We are changing how we eat.  I'm learning to cook (I know how, but really learning how to work with the flavors of foods and not just open a box).  And we are beginning a spiritual journey to bring more peace in our lives.

So follow along, we would love to have you join us.  I hope we are able to inspire you to reach for something you've been wanting to do, no matter what it is.

Much love!