Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It happens sometimes...

Last night was our "rest day".  We could have caught up to what we had missed on Friday and not had a rest day until next Tuesday, but we took the easy way out.  We decided to truly rest.  I was in bed before 9:00.  But... our rest day also came with a horrible eating day for me.  Instead of making something delicious and nutritious, I made something delicious and filled with fat and carbs.  I shredded chicken, mixed it with jalapenos, cream cheese and cheddar cheese, baked until bubbly and then we used tortillas and chips as the serving mechanism.  It was amazing.  Delicious. Decadent.  And horrible for us.

I woke up this morning and boy did I feel it.  I was super bloated and felt like utter crapola.  I had heartburn (which I haven't had since before we started) and I looked like crap.  On top of it all, I was dehydrated.  It was awful.

But guess what I did?  I woke up at 5:30 this morning.  A full two hours before I usually wake up. And I worked out.  And I drank water... lots of it.  And it felt AWESOME. 

Yes, you read that right.  I woke up at 5:30 this morning and it felt AWESOME.  Not only did it feel great, but Emberlyn slept soundly curled up next to Steven while I worked out.  I didn't have to stop a single time in the full hour to nurse her back to sleep.  It felt so good, I'm going to do it again tomorrow!  The realization that: one - I can wake up early, two - it won't kill me and three - I have my whole evening free now is an awesome motivator to continue getting up.

That and I kind of wanted to prove myself wrong from my last blog post.  I am a morning person.  I wake up smiling every single day.  Why not just wake up two hours earlier?

So while I blew my day yesterday, I woke up bright and early this morning and made up for it.  I've already made healthier choices today (I was getting a bit lax about what I eat during the days) and I've already kicked butt on my workout. 

Never give up.  Never say to yourself that because you messed up one day, the rest of it is blown.  You'll feel better when you get right back to it.

Much Love!

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