Saturday, March 19, 2011

Starting Out

Welcome to our journey!  Steven and I have begun a path to wellness and we want to share our triumphs and trials as we go along, in the hopes to inspire others.

A little about us.  We met in the fall of 2008 and got married June 2009.  Yes, crazy fast, we know!  In May 2010 we welcomed our beautiful little baby girl into the world.  Between an infant and Jennifer's 12-year old, we are crazy busy! 

So why a blog?  Well, we wanted a way to share our journey with others.  I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I weigh 207 pounds.  Do you know how ridiculous that is???? IT IS RIDICULOUS.  I had bought p90x for Steven when I was pregnant and shortly after it arrived, work picked up for him and the baby arrived, so it sat on a shelf collecting dust.  Way to spend $120!  This last fall, our friends asked if they could borrow it.  We figured why not, it wasn't doing anything for us other than being another decoration of "get in shape" dreams tossed aside.  What we were not expecting was the results they got!  My friend Jennifer lost SEVEN INCHES off her hips.  HOLY COW!

This inspired both of us.  We decided... it's only 90 days.  We can do anything for 90 days.  So here we are, day four of p90x.  But we aren't just dedicating ourselves to working out.  We are changing how we eat.  I'm learning to cook (I know how, but really learning how to work with the flavors of foods and not just open a box).  And we are beginning a spiritual journey to bring more peace in our lives.

So follow along, we would love to have you join us.  I hope we are able to inspire you to reach for something you've been wanting to do, no matter what it is.

Much love!


  1. So awesome! Where's the bikini pic? ;-)

  2. Good luck to you! I'm excited to cheer you on and see your results! Don't forget to take before pics!

  3. No way Carmen. I'll post before and after bikini pics in 85 days :)
