Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Good Morning!  Last night was our first day of p90x Yoga X.  Yoga you say?  How hard could that be?  Oh my goodness... it was SO HARD!!!!  They did poses my body doesn't even know how to get into and it was ninety minutes long.  My goal by the end of this whole journey - to be into the pose where you bring your legs all the way over your head and your knees are by your ears.  That was just pure craziness!  (Steven says that's been his goal for me since he first met me... he's a funny one)

It was a good day for eating well.  I made us stuffed bell peppers for dinner which were quite good.  I need to add some more spices to them, but I'm learning.  Tonight it is honey chicken with roasted asparagus and stuffed anaheim peppers (I'll be eating the asparagus alone, Steven thinks it's the devil).

My favorite thing about yoga is the peace it brings at the end.  Most workouts you end sweating like a pig, mad that you had to put yourself through it, but proud for finishing it.  With yoga you end peaceful and calm, not just your body but your mind and spirit.  I know I will be looking forward to this workout every week. 

I've debated putting our starting measurements out, but figure what the heck, so here it goes:

Weight: 207
Chest:  43"
Waist: 38.5"
Hips: 45"
Right Thigh: 28"
Left Thigh: 28"
Right Arm: 13.5"
Left Arm: 13.25"

Weight:  188
Chest:  41.5"
Waist:  39"
Hips: 42"
Right Thigh:  23"
Left Thigh: 23"
Right Arm: 13"
Left Arm" 12.75"

I'll post our measurements again at 30, 60 and 90 days.

Here's to living well!

Much Love!

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