Monday, March 28, 2011

You go first... no you go first... no, I insist...

Our biggest challenge right now is finding time to workout.  Steven and I do the same workouts but are unable to do them at the same time because of Emberlyn.  You see, we co-sleep.  Emberlyn likes to have one of us near her while she is sleeping.  When we first get her down at night, it takes a while for her to get into a deep sleep, so if we are both out working out, jumping around, making noise, she will wake up.  Which means we have to go through the bedtime routine again and again.  It's just easier for one of us to hang out in the bed while the other one works out.  Which is where I am right now as she falls deeper asleep.

The challenge is... who goes first? Because whoever goes second is going to be working out until 10:00 or later.  Now you might be saying to yourself "hey dummies, why not work out in the morning?  Just get up early!"  Umm yeah... we aren't morning people.  At all.  Now, we could be morning people.  That is just another challenge we would have to get past. One that neither of us find particularly appealing.  So we find ourselves each night saying "go ahead, I'll hang out with the baby while you work out" and the other one insists the opposite.  You see, we both love our workouts, but we love each other more.  We don't want the other one to stay up super late working out while we are unwinding from our workout.  It makes us feel guilty.

We don't really have a set in stone solution.  Tonight we are trying Steven first.  He's been unselfish enough to let me go first lately, but Emberlyn tends to want me in bed with her when she wakes up.  So far, so good.  She's falling deeper asleep while he works out.  Let's hope she stays that way so I can make it through my workout with having to stop to nurse her back to sleep.

It's a challenge, this working out stuff.  Especially as a co-sleeping, nursing mama.  But it's a challenge I am willing to face every day, because I feel better and better with each workout.

What challenges do you need to overcome?  What solutions work for you?  Give it some thought.  If it is important enough, you will find a way.

Much Love.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys- good for you! Jimmy and I have been on the journey to wellness since last May and the longer you do something, it just becomes habit. I'm not a morning person, either. At all. So, I'm focused on getting my workouts on lunch. I say whatever works for you. Find what you like and then do it, over and over. Until it's habit. Jimmy is down 21 lbs and I'm down 31. Woot! Here's to good health!
