Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Girls aren't supposed to do push-ups... right?

At least that is my thinking right about now.  I mean, why else do they have "girl push-ups" if we are expected to do hard ones?  Me thinks Tony Horton didn't get this memo when developing p90x.  I hate him a little bit right now.  But I love him even more.  These workouts push me to my max and I keep on going!  My 12-year old daughter Susannah is here tonight and was watching me as I did "Core Synergistics".  She kept saying how she wants to do the videos too.  How they will make her stronger for volleyball.  Crazy child!  I mean... she's right.  It would.  But she's 12.  So I'll let her try it with me next week and see how she likes it.  This should be interesting...

On a different note, I made spaghetti for dinner with salad and french bread.  After all, Susannah is here and she loves spaghetti.  I balanced out the rest of my day to make up for the calorie intake I knew was coming this evening.  However, I wasn't planning on the weight of the carbs once they hit my stomach.  YUCK.  It made me feel sluggish during my workout and my stomach still feels full from it.  I didn't even eat half of what I would have in the past either!  Steven is in the same boat.  Guess I won't be making pasta for dinner anytime soon.  Now excuse me while I go puke up some noodles (kidding!)

One other thing I learned today... I suck at math.  When I left high school I had taken pre-calc and somehow managed to pass with a B.  Today I took a placement test for college.  I guess 18 years of not using advanced math has taken it's toll on my skills.  I placed in Math 60.  MATH 60!!!  Did you hear that?  How sad am I?  Oh well, I need the refresher (obviously).  The positive thing is that I aced one part of the writing/reading comprehension test and nearly aced the other part.  When the counselor gave me my scores I explained I did fundraising.  She said "well it shows with your scores".  Yeah... no kidding.

Well, that's about all the ramblings I have tonight.  I'm whipped and it's time for me to turn in.

Remember, every day is about choices.  We can all achieve our dreams.  We just have to work hard to get there.

Much love!

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