Friday, April 1, 2011

A beautiful day!

Nothing like the sunshine to bring out the smiles all across town!  After a month straight of rain (per the newspaper, we got at least a trace of rain every single day in March), I was so happy for such a gorgeous day.

The past two mornings I've been getting up early to work out and it's been fabulous!  But this morning I bailed on that idea because after a rough week of teething for Emberlyn, she finally had a good, solid night of sleep and I was enjoying it right along with her.  But around 7:00 tonight, the realization that I had a workout to do was starting to weigh on me.  You see, we took Emberlyn swimming today, then went to an amazing fundraiser Susannah and her 7th grade class put on to help Japan (Susannah even got up and spoke, I was so proud I cried!) and then after all the excitement we came home and Steven headed off to the batting cages.

All I wanted to do was relax.  Maybe space out on some TV.  Fall asleep early.  You know... be lazy.  I thought about skipping my workout.  I'll be honest, it didn't appeal to me in the least and I thought "what can it hurt, it's just one workout".  Steven got home from the batting cages and I told him I was tired and didn't think I was going to do my workout.  I kind of expected (hoped) he would say "that's okay, we did go swim for an hour, just skip it, relax".  But he didn't.  He instead pointed out how great I would feel when I was done (yeah... right) and how I should just get up and do it.  I hated him a little at that moment.  Then he said "and look at you, your belly is shrinking, you've already started to thin out and it has only been two weeks!"  And that my friends is what got my lazy, sit around and do nothing, fall asleep early butt off the couch.  He was right!  I have already lost inches.  My stomach is smaller.  My abs are getting back in shape.  My hips don't hurt anymore.  This is good stuff!

So here I am, at 11:00 on a Friday night, just having finished my workout.  Guess what?  I feel amazing.  Awesome.  Energized.  Accomplished.  It was totally worth it. 

Now, a quick note about the fundraiser tonight.  I'm a professional fundraiser.  It's what I do for a living.  I also give my time to charity.  Since Susannah was very little, I've shown her both by example and by having her help me, what it means to give back.  When her 7th grade class was asked by their teacher if they wanted to do something to help, Susannah jumped right in to take on not just a coin drive, or a bake sale, but a "Concert for Japan".  We are talking donated pizza, a bake sale, a coin drive, three bands and a dance crew.  Flyers, press releases, the works.  Susannah and I go through a lot.  She's a moody 12-year old girl.  We butt heads.  A lot.  To see her take the lead on something so big and important, to see it be successful and to know that she has learned that from me... well I can't even put into words how it makes me feel.  I am beaming with pride.  It's like she really does look up to me.  And that is one of the best things a mother could ask for.

It was a beautiful day today. 

Much love!

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