Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bring It!

After a bit of a hiatus (three months is only a bit, right?), we have restarted our journey to physical wellness with P90X.  Steven and I have been busy.  I don't mean kinda busy, I mean birthdays, anniversary, family vacations, trips, reunions, starting my own business, major event at work busy. Which means we didn't make our health a priority.  We put it on the back burner.  We slacked.  Majorly.

Please understand, I'm not making excuses by saying we were so busy we couldn't find time to exercise.  Because that would be lying to you.  There is ALWAYS time to exercise, if you make it a priority.  But we didn't.  We made sitting on the couch at the end of the day a priority.  Video games and TV shows, Facebook, web surfing.  Those were our priorities at the end of our days for the past three months.

Yesterday we pushed play.  We did it.  We got off the couch and pushed play.  And it felt goooood.  Really good.  We didn't make it all the way through the first workout.  But we pushed play and we brought it as hard as we could.  We pushed play today too.  My legs are like jello and I'm tired, but we did it. 

Steven and I have decided to both do the classic P90X workout instead of me doing the lean version.  So the last two days we've been done our workouts together and I have to say, it's a lot more fun having a partner right there with you.  I think this will be an added bonus for us.  It gives us something to bond over, look forward to together, without the kids needing us or wanting to be a part of it.  I'm loving it.

So while we took a hiatus, we are back.  And we are going to push play, every day.  Even if it's 20 minutes a day, we will make this our priority.

You can do it to.  Make your health a priority.  Make your spirit a priority.  Just do it.

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