Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bleeping Rockstars!

Steven and I took yesterday off from p90x.  We ate like utter crap, we were lazy and we didn't work out.  We had a somewhat good reason (although really, there is no good reason for eating like crap) because his parents and niece were in town visiting.  I had to make a birthday cake for his mom and of course pizza was ordered.  It was wonderful to see them and for them to see Emberlyn.

So what rockstars?  I mean... didn't we fail?  NO WAY!  We took a day off.  Guess what?  It happens.  We aren't dieting.  We aren't doing a fly by night program that we take lightly.  We are CHANGING OUR LIVES.  You know what we did?  We slept a little today, we relaxed and then we got right back up and busted our butts on the workout of the day.  That is why we are rockstars!  Because we didn't say "f*ck it", we said "wow, I miss the high of p90x". 

I just got done with Ab Ripper X.  Otherwise known in my mind as ab hell.  Let me tell you something.  On day one, I hated this workout.  I couldn't do it.  My abs are so weak from being pregnant and then not doing anything, I almost cried at how much I sucked at this one.  But I've kept with it.  Today I made it through every single move!  Did I complete each one with all 25 reps?  Nope, but I did at least 15, which is 15 more than I could do most of them 10 days ago.  Do you hear me????  It's WORKING!!!!  I am busting my butt every single freaking day and it's working!

I've seen the change in Steven.  His stomach is already decreasing.  His muscles are getting their awesome definition back.  He's sees it in me too.  My stomach has already decreased by an inch.  In 10 days.  AN INCH.  But it's really not just a physical change we are seeing.  Already we are laughing so much more.  We aren't fighting or picking at each other.  We are loving each other.  We are more peaceful.  Our minds are quieter.

My friends, this works.  I'm not saying "go right out and buy p90x".  But I am saying this - if you want a change in your life, do it.  You can achieve it.  Truly.  I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I have finally found what works for me.  You can find what works for you.  And remember, a day at a time.  Don't beat yourself up if you have an off day.  It happens.  Don't let it hold you back though or use it as an excuse either.  Get up the next day, shake it off, and keep moving forward.

If I can do this, make this huge of a change, anyone can.

Sorry for the rambling post, but I am truly high on the excitement of seeing positive changes and for making it through my most dreaded workout!

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. You both have the right frame of mind and awareness! Way to go!
