Monday, March 21, 2011


Steven loves baseball.  And not just watching baseball.  He loves playing it, studying it, reading about it, watching videos on techniques.  He follows players, teams and stats.  He will walk around the house with a ball and a mitt.  He was ecstatic when he found out our DirectTV package came with the MLB Network.  HE LOVES BASEBALL.  But playing it has been a challenge because unless you know people on a team, it's hard to get to play in a league. This has lead to some mild frustration around our house.  Nothing horrible mind you, but just those wistful "man I wish I could play on a team" moments.

He did play softball two summers ago.  He liked it.  It was okay.  He got to get out and enjoy the sun, but it wasn't as challenging and as exciting as he likes.  Last summer with the birth of Emberlyn, playing on a team (even if he could find one) was pretty much out.  He was working his butt off to make it so I could stay home on maternity leave for the full 12 weeks and even if he would have found a team, he was too exhausted to do anything at the end of the day (and I am forever grateful for those 12 precious weeks).

Yesterday, Creator intervened.  We decided we needed to get out of the house and he had a few tokens for the batting cages over at VRC.  We figured a little family outing to Toys R Us and the batting cages were in order, so off we went.  We decided to stop at Toys R Us first to check out ideas for Dibbles first birthday. (Side note - we ended up getting a killer deal on a little car for her that she loves!  Her first Power Wheels... picture at the end).  Then off to the batting cages.  He gets into the batting cage and starts hitting the fast ball pitches.  His form is good, he's having a good time and hits one ball so hard, it escapes out the back and put a hole in the back wall (they need to fix their back nets!).  He steps out of the cage for a break and is talking to Emberlyn and I when this guy, about our age, comes up to him.  Asks if he plays.  Nope, not right now.  Then he asks the golden question "would you be interested in playing on my team?  We've got a few open slots I need to fill".  DING DING DING, WE HAVE A WINNER!  Apparently this guy and his teammates have been practicing hitting and pitching when they see Steven hitting in the cage. They want him on their team!  HOORAY!  So we get all the details, introductions are made, and Steven goes and hits a few pitches they throw at him.  The guys all seem like nice guys and pretty laid-back.

I am so happy for him.  This is just what he needs.  And it also means that I get to hang out in the sun every Sunday this summer, watching my gorgeous husband play baseball while getting a tan and playing with my girls.  WOOT!

Creator sure does deliver when he knows our spirits are in need of lifting.  I am so thankful.

Oh, and here is a picture of our little Dibbles in her cool pink car.

Much Love!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome!!! Love the picture too! What a happy beautiful girl!!
